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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

What do stick insects eat? By Emma-Jane and Mommy

Can you guess from the leaves in my Stick Insect Box? Can you see a stick insect?

Stick insects mainly eat Eucalyptus leaves but can eat bramble leaves, apple leaves, oak leaves, rhododendron leaves and rose leaves. Today we went on a Eucalyptic Treasure Hunt, searching for eucalyptus leaves for my new baby stick insects. We found two in our garden waiting to be planted: The Paper Bark Tree and our tiny little Eucalyptus Ptychocarpa. And then found six different types of trees in our park with gum nuts and eucalyptus shaped leaves. Are all gum trees Eucalyptus Trees and visa versa quote " Species of Australian Gum Tree Eucalyptus
The huge amount of different Eucalypt trees can roughly be divided into a few groups. Eucalypt trees are known to be Gum Trees. Not all eucalypts are gum trees however. This is only one group of them, albeit probably the largest. " unquote. We found our answer here: 

Here are our photographs of the trees we found in our treasure hunt today:

A Holy Eucalyptus

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